LASIK is currently one of the most frequently performed procedures in the world. It is a highly effective outpatient procedure, often referred to as refractive surgery, and is used to correct myopia and hyperopia, as well as astigmatism. This procedure, which is performed by ophthalmologist’s and trained LASIK surgeons, uses a cool beam of light from the excimer laser to gently reshape the front surface (cornea) of your eye. This is done by creating a corneal flap on the surface of the eye, which is peeled back to allow the excimer laser begin reshaping

LASIK stands for LASER Assisted in situ Keratomielusis. LASIK, Laser vision Corrected is performed using the excimer Laser,a computer controlled “cool” ultraviolet beam of light. the laser sculpts the cornea into a shape that allows light focus more directly on the retina, which eliminates or reduces a variety of eye abnormalities.

  • Anaesthetic drops are applied to the eye.
  • A protective flap is created and gently lifted by the LASIK surgeon, revealing the inner corneal tissue. During this process, vision can become quite blurred. Generally patients are only able to see the light of the laser and surrounding overhead lighting.
  • Computer-controlled pulses of cool laser light are applied to the inner layers of your cornea. As the laser pulses, it makes a ticking sound. The inner corneal layer is reshaped with the laser to mimic your contact lens or glasses prescription. During this process, an eye tracking device will track your eye movements up to 4000 times per second for precise correction.
  • Following the re-shaping of the tissue, the corneal flap is carefully repositioned. It is then checked for air pockets and any other debris which may hinder the healing process.The LASIK surgeon gently replaces the flap and aligns it to its original position. It heals naturally and securely.
  • Some patients may feel slight irritation for a few hours, but most are quite comfortable after a nap and rest.